Thursday, March 3, 2011

So heres the deal.

 I am twenty years old I graduated from high school getting enough money to buy a laptop for myself, and now I can’t even get on it when I want to use the internet that isn’t even our internet! My dad told me I have to have my room clean before I can get on the computer. I love my parents and yes I even love my extremely annoying seventeen year old brother, but I feel like I might as well be twelve years old living here. I just had to vent.
I am also very much ready for nice warm weather. I do love the snow, and I even love the cold. There is something about sitting on the couch knitting, (which I have only recently become interested in) drinking some hot tea, and watching a movie with my family. Or even waking up in the morning and feeling a wonderful calm and knowing that sure enough when you look out the window there will be a thick layer of fresh, white covering the ground. I love it I love to go sledding and run around and play like a five year old in the cold. You never really know how cold it is of course until you go inside to the warmth. I do however think that summer should be much longer. I am really ready for the warm sun, cold waves, and the sand on Lake Michigan. I am for tan skin, if I don’t have the money to go tanning (yes I know how bad it is to tan and all the risks and what not) I am more than glad to spend a few hours in the back yard or at the beach. Oh and warm weather calls for trips to Chicago, yeah I love to go to Chicago in the winter and see all the lights and things but really it’s too cold to walk around for hours. And i can not express enough how much i do not like list period we are in now where there are piles of dirty snow left over from snow plows, shovels, and snowblowers.
Ophelia at the beach
This is one of my best memories at the beach. My Niece Ophelia loved the water so much, it was freezing and she was not able to go swim. (although she did make it to the water many times) every time i see this picture I long for warm weather. 

Monday, February 28, 2011

A Small Start.

As a twenty year old who recently was unenroled from her college classes, and forced into a life I was not prepared for I need a way to vent about it I guess. I am no English scholar and I have no back ground in writing. I am going to be honest I have no idea what I am getting myself in to. But I have come to realize that so many people skip over the small things in life as if they don’t matter, I know this because I do it everyday. Right now I am not living the life I thought I would be living six months ago.
Six months ago I thought I would still be in college getting a degree in Child Development and maybe 3D art. I thought I would be living five hours away from my famil in Northern Indiana. I thought I would be a part of two campus ministries and being a bridge to join them together on campus. But all that changed in late December and early January. I am now living at home with my mom, dad, younger brother, his dog, my cat, and I won’t forget the two frogs.
The things I enjoy in life are simple. I love Photography, I love to take pictures and I love to look at other peoples pictures, if you catch me in a good mood I might be in a few as well. I love quotes. From famous people, about love, lines from movies, or just things my friends and family have to say. I love animals, big, small, dog, cat, turtle, bird, fish, giraffe, or ant eater. I love craft, all kinds of crafts. I love to read. I read books: mystery, love, and adventure. I read the back of cereal boxes and shampoo bottles. I read magazines and news papers. I love my family, friends, and enemies. And most of all I Love God. 
I am going to be blogging about nothing and everything at the same time. Hopefully my posts will have a purpose.  I’m sure they already do, besides my boredom that is. But for right now all I can say is, hears to the small things in life.